Kareem Rahma: We Were Promised Flying Cars

Praise for Flying Cars
“Kareem’s bite sized musings have been printed out, to hopefully be found by the aliens after our self destruction.”—Ryder Ripps
“Kareem Rahma has given us an equally enjoyable and frightening emergency report in the form of haikus. We Were Promised Flying Cars is a treasure and a bold vision of the worlds to come.”—Uli Beutter Cohen
About the Book
The debut poetry collection from Arab-American poet Kareem Rahma―formerly of VICE and The New York Times―shows us the future in haiku. Simultaneously a hopeful prayer for change and direct warning to the reader, Rahma makes masterful work of the haiku form to build a very possible future world dominated by corporations, an earth depleted of natural resources, and humans turned into zombies, glued to their screens. The future that awaits us is not the one we’ve hoped for or what we were promised, but a terrible culmination of what we’ve done to ourselves. Elegant but caustically humorous, this prophetic vision can be returned to again and again, because even in the darkness, Rahma remains hopeful that we can still keep the promises we made in the past. Paired with Jean-Marc Côté’s nineteenth-century illustrations of an imagined year 2000, We Were Promised Flying Cars is not just for poetry and science fiction fans, but anyone interested in what tomorrow might look like.
Kareem Rahma is an Egyptian-American poet and entrepreneur living in New York City. He is the founder of Nameless Network and The Museum of Pizza. Before becoming a full-time artist and entrepreneur, he was a Growth Editor at The New York Times and the Associate Director of Global Marketing at VICE. Kareem is an alum of NEW INC., “the world’s first museum led incubator program” created by The New Museum. He is a recipient of the 2019 Above The Fold Awards from The University of Minnesota’s School of Journalism and in 2018 was named one of the most impactful Egyptians in the world from CairoScene.